Through our networks, we seek out internships and job opportunities for our students and guide them in applying. Where the students obtain the internships and job opportunities themselves, we support their applications with letters of recommendation. For internships, we make follow up assessments and seek feedback to ensure that the program is beneficial to both the institution providing the internship and the students.
Not only does Tuendelee seek employment externally but has also created employment.

Dommy Odhiambo

BBA* with IT Graduate
Maseno University Graduating Class
of 2022 Fundraising Associate at Tuendelee Foundation

She helps Tuendelee to actively source for resources to run the programs. She gives back to the community through an initiative she cofounded – Page Turners that promotes a culture of reading in children living in slums.

Agnes Muema

B. Com Graduate
UON Graduating Class of 2022
ex Intern – EABL*

She is among the first cohort of beneficiaries sponsored by Tuendelee Foundation. We connected her with the 3 month internship opportunity at EABL and supported her in the application process.

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience."
- Anonymous