Our mentorship program is based on our appreciation of the value of people learning from others who have gone ahead of them. We link students to professionals who offer them mentorship for a period of a year, after which they are paired with a different professional. This ensures they learn from different people and grow their professional networks, year after year. Interested in joining our pool of mentors? 

Vera Boulter

B. Com Graduate
UON Graduating Class of 2021
Interned at BAT – Kenya
TF* Beneficiary

The mentorship made me more enlightened and confident. I particularly appreciated the insights into approaching the job market, crafting my CV, applying for jobs and showing up for interviews prepared.

Mary Mutinda

Research Assistant- UN HABITAT
TF* Mentor

Committed 30minutes once a week to mentor Vera in 2021. As a result of their mentorship, Vera was able to learn and draft a properly written one paged CV that was helpful in her getting her internship at BAT Kenya.

Vera Boulter

“Mentoring Ian and Clifford has provided the opportunity to share experiences, knowledge, and skills benefiting all of our lives. Although our journey together has just started a few months ago, watching Ian and Clifford grow and develop has been incredibly rewarding, as I have the chance to make a positive impact on their lives. This has truly been a rewarding experience, giving me a sense of personal satisfaction and fulfilment.”

Mary Mutinda

“I joined Tuendelee Foundation as a mentor, having felt the need to hold someone’s hand along the way; to not only pay it forward but to fail fast, learn and grow together, also as a mentee in my own personal journey. Tuendelee has connected me to brilliant young minds thirsty to learn and grow beyond their circumstances and I am humbled and consistently inspired by our interactions.
Thank you to the Foundation and “Karibu!” to any other volunteer mentors with a calling to make an indelible impact on the hearts, minds and lives of these future leaders!”

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.'
- Isaac Newton